
Pete's cover for the 6637 Powerstroke Diesel Air Intake Mod

Pete's 6637 filter covers from Riffraff Diesel
Get more miles out of your filter

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I would not have believed it myself unless I saw it!

If you have contemplated or have installed the 6637 open air filter on your Ford Powerstroke diesel (sometimes called the DIY Tymar filter) , you absolutely have to get one of these filter covers. The 6637 is an excellent way to allow a greater volume of air to get to the 7.3 diesel engine but the advantage is that it does an even better job of filtration than the factory airbox could ever think of. The stories that you have heard about an under-hood open air filter being bad because it draws in hot engine compartment air are all untrue. Owners have tested under-hood temperatures in conjunction with air intake temperatures and found that while traveling down the highway at moderate speeds, there are no more that 5 degrees difference between the factory air box temperatures and the 6637.

I ran a 6637 open air filter for a couple of years until I found a deal on a FORD AIS. With this cover now available, I'm thinking about putting the 6637 back on.

Now Pete has come up with a way to keep this terrific air filter even cleaner.

Pictured below are two 6637 air filters, one is brand new - the other has 10,000 miles on it

6637 filters

Can you tell which one is which? I'm going to guess that the one on the right is the new one only because the black plastic is shiny.

Even though I could get 30,000 miles from my 6637 filter, after 10,000 miles without any type of cover, it was starting to show it's age with a collection of bugs and dirt. I'm telling you, this is the way to go!

Here is a collection of Pete's customer photos of how he can customize your filter cover just the way you want.

center punch top

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